Can we escape Armageddon - The atomic War ?
We don´t. It is a matter of time. Why? Because we already have sow the seeds for it. The moment USA bombed Hirosima and Nagasakhi with the atomic bombs this very moment wrote its destiny, that is to say that USA have to pay with the same way. Very soon USA will be bombed with nuclear bombs. New York and Los Angeles will be possibly two of the citiesthat will be destroyed. Moreover, United Kingtom, France, Russia and other countries have made many nuclear tests polluting the enviroment and killing the life in these regions. All these countries have to pay for it.
The main cause exists in the psych oh the humans on earth. People are unbalanced and their minds are full of egoistic tendencies. Arrogance, greed, egoism. pride, desire for power, money and possesions dominate their minds. That´s why they cannot find ways to establish armonious relations and peace between the nations. Flames of war are burning everywhere and very soon these flames will become a great fire that will consume all nations all over the world. And the great countries like USA or Russia cannot escape of this destruction thinking that they have the technology to avoid any nuclear attack which will take place around the year 2030.
READ an extract from article: Paul Craig Roberts – Vladimir Putin Issues Major Warning But Is It Too Late To Escape Armageddon?
This Implies Our Own Destruction – How To Escape Armageddon
Having launched on this reckless and irresponsible attack on a nuclear power, can Washington eat crow and back off? Would the neoconservative-controlled mass media permit that?
The Russian government, backed 89% by the Russian people, have made it clear that Russia rejects vassalage status as the price of being part of the West. The implication of the Wolfowitz Doctrine is that Russia must be destroyed. This implies our own destruction.
What can be done to restore peace? Obviously, the EU must abandon NATO and declare that Washington is a greater threat than Russia. Without NATO Washington has no cover for its aggression and no military bases with which to surround Russia.
It is Washington, not Russia, that has an ideology of “uber alles.” Obama endorsed the neoconservative claim that “America is the exceptional country.” Putin has made no such claim for Russia. Putin’s response to Obama’s claim is that “God created us equal.”
In order to restore peace, the neoconservatives must be removed from foreign policy positions in the government and media. This means that Victoria Nuland must be removed as Assistant Secretary of State, that Susan Rice must be removed as National Security Adviser, that Samantha Power must be removed as US UN ambassador.
The warmonger neoconservatives must be removed from Fox ‘News,’ CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, and in their places independent voices must replace propagandists for war.Clearly, none of this is going to happen, but it must if we are to escape Armageddon. The prescription for peace and prosperity is sound. The question is: Can we implement ?
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